Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Integrated Topic Term 4

What learner qualities will I need to develop so I can take action to contribute to physically and socially healthy classrooms, schools, and local environments?

I am learning how to keep myself safe around dogs that I don't know.

"Connagh, well done on showing the SAFE acronym for keeping safe around unwanted dog attention! I like how your face is looking down at the ground."
- Miss H 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Writing Term 3

Spring writing

We are learning to write a story about spring.

Success Criteria -

  • Explore our garden environments look for signs of spring.
  • Use a graphic organiser to help us organise our thoughts.
  • Use our planning to help create a story with lots of details. 

"Connagh I can see that you have thought carefully about each box of our graphic organiser. This means that you have thought about you different sense - see, hear, feel and smell. You we be able to write an amazing story with lots of details!"
- Miss H

Monday, November 13, 2017

Writing: word families

I am learning to write word families

Success criteria:

  • think of a range of words that end with the -at word.

"Well done Connagh, I can see you can think of lots of different words that belong to the -at word family." - Miss H

Writing Term 3

Empathy writing

I am learning to write a thank you card.

Success Criteria

  • Think about someone who supports us at school.
  • Write with a correct card format (who it is to, stating why you are thanking them, using the words 'kind regards').
  • Decorate your card with lots of time and love.
  • Deliver your card to the person.

"Connagh, I bet Mrs Hall (one of our deputy principals) loved your card. You have shown that you can identify people who support us in our school. I can see you have put a lot of thought into carefully writing your card with tidy writing." - Miss H

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Reading Term 4

This is where I am on the Reading Pathway in Term 4 Week 4 

Here are my Learning Goals 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Strand - Shape Term 4

WALT sort 2D shapes based on similar features

Success Criteria
  • is able to sort shapes into groups based on similar features e.g. colour, shape, number of sides/corners
  • can explain why/how they have sorted their shapes into groups

"Well done Connagh! You have grouped your shapes by putting all the same shapes together (diamond, square etc.)" - Miss Pickering 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Gymnastics Term 3

Learning Intention
We are learning to create and perform a sequence which links two shapes through rolling, travelling or jumping.

Success Criteria: I can....
Move into spaces effectively
Hold 1, 2, 3 different balances for 3 seconds
Balance in 2, 3, 4 different positions
Name 1, 2, different shapes
Select 2 different shapes to start and finish my sequence
Perform 1, 2 different shapes with control when jumping


Success Criteria: I can...
Perform a tuck roll with control and precision Link 12rolls with a starting and finishing shape
Remember and repeat my sequence 

Here is Connagh performing a....

Tuck shape roll

"Well done Connagh! You are able to perform a tuck shape roll easily!" - Miss Nichols

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Integrated Topic Term 3

I am learning about different staff within the school and what they do

Success Criteria:
  • Act out a scenario within the school
  • Talk about how the characters within the role play might feel 
  • Talk about how we can show empathy towards them

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Music Term 3

WALT sing Te Reo Māori waiata with actions

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Art Term 3

"Well done Connagh, you can feel very proud about your artwork and how the koru's stand for your family. You put so much work into this and it looks amazing" - Miss H

Click to enlarge